City Creek demonstration
Metronomes starting at different tempos will synchronize while floating on water as the beat frequency travel from one to another through the water.



Synchronicity demonstrates an active phenomenon in the universe. This project tracks my exploration to the headwaters of five Salt Lake City Creeks, where I placed metronomes on the water. When starting the metronomes at different tempos, they will synchronize quickly as the beat frequency travels through water.

The science of emergent phenomenon, that describes an underlying intelligence/pattern in diverse, complex, non-linear systems, describes the fractal pattern of rivers and creeks, forms the basis of this project. The intention of Synchronicity is describing that underlying pattern and synchronizing it with our community’s consciousness.”

A giant GPS map is an integral part of the installation for the Utah Arts Festival and The Leonardo in 2012 (art and science museum installation), showing the path of the creeks and where water goes underground in the city. Salt Lake Arts Festival 2012.